Nonku Williams celebrated her son's birthday by sharing the ups and downs she went through to conceive.
Image: Instagram/Nonku Williams
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Reality TV star Nonku Williams celebrated her son’s birthday by reflecting on her struggles to conceive. 

She was told by three specialists that she would not conceive any more.

Opening up on her Instagram timeline she said she was told “her eggs were rotten” and if she were to conceive, she would not carry full term.

“6 months later I discovered I was pregnant ... no IVFs, no doctors just naturally pregnant! I remember that day I found out ... going secretly to my room, closing the door and sobbed and God told me to name you Phendulile, for He had answered my prayer. I’ve never seen such a super intelligent 6-year-old ... My faith was renewed.”

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“I’m in awe at The Power of God, His immeasurable love and that indeed He is God Emmanuel! Today not only do I celebrate you ... but I also celebrate the purpose God has placed in you, I know you will do greater things and many lives will be touched through you and I believe God is going to use you mightily for His Kingdom,” she wrote. 

Nonku previously shared she is indebted to her mom and her teachings for the woman she has become.

The RHOD star shared with TshisaLIVE that her relationship with her mom influenced how she raised her three children. 

“When we were all young my mom was very strict and she also taught us in the way of the Lord. I remember from a young age she would quote a few scriptures that I still remember even to this day, so her influence made me to be such a hard worker.” 


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