Top tips to help you wrap up your Black Friday buys in style

Expert weighs in on how to tackle the sticky task

22 November 2023 - 10:36
By Staff Writer
Become the next Martha Stewart with  these tips.
Image: Supplied Become the next Martha Stewart with these tips.

Are you one of those who approach the annual gift-wrapping ritual with dread? Perhaps you've occasionally taken creative shortcuts, both in the literal and figurative sense. You're not alone. If there’s one thing we’ve all struggled to wrap it’s a bottle of wine, so we asked wine-wrapping (and wine-making) gurus for creative assistance.

Mpho Maroga from Robertson Winery shares a few trusty tips.


Transform your living room into a wrapping workshop, complete with festive tunes and a glass of your favourite wine. Gather your supplies, from colourful wrapping paper to shiny ribbons and sparkly bows, as you prepare to wrap gifts that will make the recipient think Martha Stewart wrapped them.

Tip: When picking wrapping paper, aim for a mid-range weight. Budget-friendly options are cost-effective but tend to tear or crinkle easily during wrapping. On the other hand, heavyweight artisanal or luxury papers, while attractive, can be tricky to fold and crease.


Whoever decreed all gifts must fit neatly into square boxes clearly missed out on the fun of celebrating the intriguing world of odd shapes, Gift-wrapping isn't restricted to the art of concealing squares and rectangles. It is an endless canvas of creativity that extends to the likes of surfboards, terrariums and even the enigmatic “mystery gift”.

Tip: When your item is too big to cover with paper (a dollhouse, a surfboard or a bike), consider “wrapping” it with strings of fairy lights and securing the cords with festive ribbon.


Enhance your gift by using tissue paper in matching or contrasting colours with your wrapping paper. This colour combination adds depth and an appealing look. Instead of laying the tissue paper flat, gently crinkle it to create a subtle texture that piques curiosity and excitement. Another creative option is to fold the tissue paper in a fan-like origami style, making your gift look like a mini work of art and adding a special touch.


Craft scissors are the secret ingredient that can turn your gift-wrapping into a true work of art. The decorative scissors come in different patterns, from delicate ripples and lace lines to charming waves and triangles, they offer a fantastic way to infuse personality and creativity into your presentation.


Why settle for ordinary gift tags when you can craft your own with a touch of wit and personal flair? Go beyond the generic and let your creativity run wild. It can be a clever one-liner that adds an extra layer of delight to the gift, an inside joke that only the two of you understand, or a heartfelt message that tugs at the heartstrings.