DA’s proposal to extend school day by an hour met with cold reception from basic education

11 February 2022 - 10:01
By Unathi Nkanjeni
The DA is proposing an extra hour of school daily to make up for time lost.
Image: Gallo Images/Darren Stewart The DA is proposing an extra hour of school daily to make up for time lost.

The DA’s proposal to extend school days by an hour has met with a cold reception from the basic education department. 

This week DA leader John Steenhuisen said the party was proposing an extra hour in each school day to make up for time lost over the past two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

DA shadow minister of education Baxolile Nodada said an extra hour or extra lessons after school could help pupils catch up on the curriculum.

Speaking on the DA’s YouTube channel, Nodada said robust strategies are needed to undo the damage caused by rotational learning.

However, speaking to News24, basic education spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga said extending the school day would cause further confusion. 

“If they want to extend the school day, they can start in the Western Cape. 

“As a sector, we want all pupils back in class and schools fully functional. All other suggestions will be addressed in due course. We don’t want to confuse people by sending mixed messages,” said Mhlanga. 

The DA has made several other proposals to combat school dropout rates, teacher absenteeism and malnutrition.

“Our existing economic justice policy contains proposals that speak to a number of these issues, and include interventions to combat school dropout rates, teacher absenteeism and malnutrition and stunting in children,” said Steenhuisen

“During the course of this year we will release a further series of policy positions which we envisage to be part of the foundation of a new policy approach for a realigned government in 2024.”