Two women drown during religious ceremony in swollen river

11 January 2024 - 08:19
By TimesLIVE
Two congregrants were swept away in a swollen river in Bramley. Two more were rescued.
Image: City of Joburg EMS Two congregrants were swept away in a swollen river in Bramley. Two more were rescued.

Two female congregants drowned after being washed away during a religious ceremony in a swollen river in Bramley, Johannesburg, on Wednesday.

City of Joburg spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi‬⁩ said they were participating in a “baptism/cleansing ritual”.

Two other congregants were rescued.

He urged residents to steer clear of streams, as the steady rains being experienced in the city mean water levels are higher than usual.

It's raining in most parts of the city. Residents residing in low-lying areas and along streams are urged to avoid crossing streams when conducting daily activities and to monitor young children to stay away from streams to prevent drowning incidents.

“Faith-based organisations who normally conduct cleansing/baptism rituals in rivers are urged to stay away to prevent incidents where people might be washed away.

“Most roads are also wet and slippery. Motorists are urged to exercise caution while driving and to extend a safe following distance, keep headlights on and avoid crossing flooded roads or bridges.”