Ubuntu is just a myth: iLIVE

12 October 2011 - 14:01 By Gus Poonan by email
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Ubuntu is as much fictitious as Gollum from Lord of the Rings
Ubuntu is as much fictitious as Gollum from Lord of the Rings
Image: Lord of the Rings poster

It is high time that we question the existence of ubuntu, about ubuntu being forgotten?The truth is ...that ubuntu does not exist. It is a mythical outreach that needs to be talked about all the time ,to affirm it.

Let us not kid ourselves here, there are few in our townships from wherever we come from , that have the generosity and humanity to intervene in situations that is life threatening or that could lead to a life threatening situation.

Whether it be providing food, shelter or sharing the barest essentials with another family or taking charge in educating those around you in life skills and schoolwork or helping to preserve life.

Making, being morally upright or morality believable by leading by example and condemning wayward behaviour, criminal activity and the like.

This kind of call is a selfless one and done so voluntarily without the prospect of reward or any expectations of payback.

The belief is that one day they could be in the same boat spurs people of this nature, into proactive mode.

There is also the belief with some that are deeply religious, that it is GOD's way and that they will be blessed by being charitable.

What I have described in the above paragraph should resemble ubuntu.

What is not ubuntu is a R250 000 Breitling watch being shown off,in a sea of poverty in Limpopo or the insane unnecessary lavish feasting wasting state resources at unnecessary functions.

What is not ubuntu is that resources meant to assist the poorest of the poor in state hospitals are stolen creating more deaths and setting us back further. What is not ubuntu is a Reverend stealing from the mouths of the poor,recently caught by the Hawks.

What is not ubuntu is the wholesale looting of state resources meant for the poor.

No matter what or how strong an argument is presented in defence of ubuntu being present or if it did exist ,the kick in the teeth of the poor as demonstrated above surely would dismiss or make a mockery of such a claim that ubuntu does exist.

It needs to be proven that it has been taught and ingrained in the hearts, minds and souls of African people to convince everybody in our country, otherwise.

Is there any proof of this anywhere?Where is the outreach?

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