Grandson arrested for raping 80-year-old grandmother

23 July 2013 - 18:31 By NIVASHNI NAIR
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Image: Gallo Images/Thinkstock

An 18-year-old man and his friend have been arrested for allegedly raping his 80-year-old grandmother in Plessislaer outside Pietermaritzburg.

Midlands police said when the man's friend, also 18, was arrested he told police that the duo had gang-raped the woman.

"It is alleged on Monday the granny was resting in her bedroom at her home. It is believed that her 15-year-old grandson and his 18-year-old neighbour friend were watching TV in the lounge, when her grandson went into the kitchen to make tea. On returning to the lounge the grandson noticed that the neighbour had disappeared"

"It is further alleged that he then went into his grandmother’s bedroom and found the 18-year-old neighbour raping his grandmother," she said.

The grandson then ran out of the house and began shouting for assistance.

"Community members came to his assistance and immediately apprehended the suspect, thereafter assaulted him and handed him over to the police. During the assault the suspect mentioned that he and the victim's other 18-year-old grandson previously raped the granny together," Jeevan said.

The 18-year-old grandson was immediately arrested.

Both men will appear in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrates’ Court this week.

"The 18-year-old neighbour is believed to be in a serious but stable condition at a local hospital. The 80-year-old granny is currently receiving counselling," Jeevan added.

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