Facebook rapist denied leave to appeal

23 August 2012 - 10:17 By Sapa
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Convicted killer Thabo Bester, also dubbed the "Facebook rapist", was denied leave to appeal his sentence, it was reported on Thursday.

Bester, 23, had brought his application before Judge Judith Cloete in the Western Cape High Court on Wednesday, the Cape Times reported.

A week ago, Bester was jailed for life for the murder of Johannesburg model and car saleswoman Nomfundo Tyhulu, 23.

He was sentenced to an additional 25 years on a charge of aggravated armed robbery.

He was found guilty of stabbing Thyulu in the chest at a bed-and-breakfast in Cape Town in September last year. Her laptop and cellphone were taken from her.

Bester was already serving a 50-year sentence for raping and robbing two models in Durban.

He used social networking site Facebook to lure women into meeting him, on the promise they were being considered for an international modelling contract.

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