Archbishop Tutu discharged from hospital

21 September 2016 - 15:00 By TMG Digital

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu was discharged from hospital on Wednesday morning to continue his convalescence at home. "The Archbishop had a special word of praise for the warmth and compassion of those who work in hospitals‚ describing them as extraordinary human beings‚" his spokespeople said in a statement.His wife Leah Tutu also expressed the family's appreciation to the Archbishop's doctors‚ the hospital staff who cared for him‚ and all who have sent good wishes.Their daughter‚ Mpho Tutu van Furth‚ said on Tuesday that he was "healing very well and the doctors are very pleased with his progress".Tutu was readmitted to hospital on Saturday due to an infection developing at the site of an earlier surgery. He underwent a surgical procedure earlier this month to address the cause of recurring infections related to past treatment for prostate cancer.His daughter said he had been treated with antibiotics for the infection.Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa‚ who on Tuesday visited Tutu in hospital‚ said "the Archbishop was in good spirits and was looking forward to returning home soon".Ramaphosa commented: "I was encouraged to see the Archbishop in high spirits‚ sharing light moments with his family and friends. He was jovial as usual‚ engaging on subjects ranging from education to politics"...

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