Don’t dump another big stink on us: raging Durbanites

10 July 2019 - 05:55 By TONY CARNIE
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Residents are angry that a new landfill in the west of Durban will raise further foul smells. File picture.
Residents are angry that a new landfill in the west of Durban will raise further foul smells. File picture.
Image: Jackie Clausen

Plans to develop a massive new dump outside Durban – right next to an existing controversial waste site – have raised the hackles of residents who fear that foul smells from mountains of rubbish will blow far and wide into neighbouring residential areas for the next 90 years.

The eThekwini municipality announced last week that it would expropriate a 550ha chunk of land from sugar giant Tongaat Hulett for R27.6m to create a new dump for municipal solid waste near Shongweni Dam.

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