WATCH | A tale of two systems: How public and private cancer services compare

03 July 2023 - 11:00 By Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism, Mohale Moloi and Yolanda Mdzeke
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Portia Njangwini’s elation, finding out she was pregnant, vanished when she heard that the lump in her left breast was cancer.

Almost a year after finishing chemotherapy, she’s still on the waiting list for radiation treatment at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital in Johannesburg.

But survivors who have private medical aid say it’s not a guarantee for great treatment either.

Bhekisisa’s TV team takes you to two hospitals — one public and the other private — and shows you what it’s like to battle breast cancer in the different health systems.

This story was produced by the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism. Sign up for the newsletter.

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