Iran trumpets nuke progress

16 February 2012 - 02:33 By Reuters
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Iran proclaimed advances in nuclear know-how yesterday, including new centrifuges able to enrich uranium much faster.

The move might hasten a drift towards confrontation with the West over suspicions it is seeking the means to make atomic bombs.

Teheran's resolve to pursue a nuclear programme showed no sign of wavering despite Western sanctions inflicting increasing damage on its oil-based economy.

"The era of bullying nations has passed. The arrogant powers cannot monopolise nuclear technology. They tried to prevent us by issuing sanctions and resolutions but failed," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. "Our nuclear path will continue."

Al Alam television said, however, that the government had, in a letter to the EU, expressed readiness to hold constructive talks over its nuclear programme.

Iran has long refused to negotiate curbs on its nuclear programme, saying it is aimed at produce electricity for civilian uses.

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