Julius Malema: Let Cyril Ramaphosa deny that he offered me cabinet post

05 May 2019 - 16:06 By Zingisa Mvumvu
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EFF leader Julius Malema arrives at the party's last pre-election rally at Orlando Stadium on Sunday.
EFF leader Julius Malema arrives at the party's last pre-election rally at Orlando Stadium on Sunday.
Image: Simphiwe Nkwali

EFF leader Julius Malema on Sunday repeated his claim that President Cyril Ramaphosa had offered him and his deputy, Floyd Shivambu, cabinet positions.

Although the presidency has rubbished Malema's initial claim that he made on Thursday, Malema is sticking to his guns.

Malema dared Ramaphosa to dispute the claim, threatening that "he will know who I am".

"I never said 'the presidency', I said 'Ramaphosa'. Let him answer and lie, he will know who I am," said Malema. "Why would I go around saying Ramaphosa offered us cabinet posts when he has not done so?

"If we are going to serve in the cabinet it will be because of EFF vote; we do not need  favours. We are going to Union Buildings; the red flag is going to fly high at the Union Buildings."

EFF head Julius Malema and other members of the EFF held its election rally in Orlando stadium in Soweto on May 5 2019.

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