'Exposed' Lira's former drummer launches a scathing attack on singer

09 September 2016 - 16:12 By TMG Entertainment
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Lira's former drummer has hit out at the songstress, claiming to "expose" the star and her team in a lengthy social media post.

South African songstress, model and music icon, LIRA.
South African songstress, model and music icon, LIRA.
Image: Supplied

Taking to Facebook on Friday morning, Joshua "J-Star" Zacheus alluded to mistreatment by Lira's team.

He said that he was dismissed by Lira earlier this year after she claimed to have been sent a screenshot of him saying he was unhappy and wanted to quit the band. He disputed the screenshot and asked for it to be sent to him. He says he never received it.


He went on to claim that Lira has been "heartless". Read his explosive statement here.

When contacted for comment, Lira told TMG Entertainment that she had not read the statement and that she would not discuss a private matter on a public platform.

"I cannot comment because I have not read the comments. I am really busy at the moment so I might not read it for a while. But I thought we got along fine and I would expect that if he (Joshua) has a problem with me he would approach me to discuss it," she said.

Speaking to TMG Entertainment, Joshua said that he had dedicated 12 years of his life to the band but felt betrayed.


"I have given 12 years of my life to Lira's brand, missing out on important family time and other projects because I was loyal to it. Me and Lira go way back. We have a personal relationship. But the situation became too much and I need what's owed to me," he added.

He claimed that he was not properly paid for gigs that he was booked for and for vocals he contributed to Lira's projects.

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