Twitter reacts to R89k Grace Bible Church fee

23 March 2017 - 13:36 By TshisaLIVE
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Actor Joe Mafela at the launch of the Living Legends Legacy Project on August 25, 2015 at Cedar Woods Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa. The project, which aims to identify Living Legends across all arts disciplines and get them involved in programmes that promote arts, was launched by the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa and saw well-known legends such as Letta Mbulu; Abigail Kubheka; Caiphus Semenya; Thandi Klaasen, Joe Mafela; Dorothy Masuka and other great veterans in attendance.
Actor Joe Mafela at the launch of the Living Legends Legacy Project on August 25, 2015 at Cedar Woods Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa. The project, which aims to identify Living Legends across all arts disciplines and get them involved in programmes that promote arts, was launched by the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa and saw well-known legends such as Letta Mbulu; Abigail Kubheka; Caiphus Semenya; Thandi Klaasen, Joe Mafela; Dorothy Masuka and other great veterans in attendance.
Image: Gallo Images / City Press / Denzil Maregele

Widespread debate has erupted on Twitter after it emerged that Grace Bible Church apparently quoted Joe Mafela's family R89,000 to host his memorial service at the church.

Thousands of Twitter users have expressed shock at the amount GBC apparently asked the Mafela family to fork out.

The debacle unfolded as  hundreds of mourners are at the Joburg Theatre to pay tribute to the late actor.

Actor Mangaliso Ngema took to social media on Wednesday to comment on a meeting that Joe's family had with the church.

  • Joe Mafela's family says Grace Bible Church wanted to charge R89k for memorial serviceThe family of the late Joe Mafela has been forced to seek an alternative venue after the Grace Bible Church wanted to charge them R89,000 for the actor's memorial service. 

"We visited the Joe Mafela home last night to pay our respects. I was shocked to learn that Grace Bible Church wanted a fee of R89,000 for the memorial," he said.

The church and Joe's family have not yet commented on the charges.

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