‘I love you baby’ — Mark Pilgrim thanks partner who’s been by his side

07 December 2022 - 08:00
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Mark Pilgrim showed his wife some love
Mark Pilgrim showed his wife some love
Image: Instagram/Mark Pilgrim

Radio jock Mark Pilgrim, who is battling stage four lung cancer and has had a lengthy hospital stay after surgery, has taken time out to gush about his ever-supportive partner.

Taking to his Instagram timeline he gave a shout-out to his partner who he referred to as his rock. 

“Hospital Day ... thirty something (I’ve lost count) Adrienne. My rock. By my side every single day. I love you baby.”

In his mentions his followers were hoping for the best outcome. 

“Praying you to be home for Christmas, we all Love you, can't wait for you to be out of hospital,” wrote one follower.

“May God be with you and your family. The doctors and nurses are doing a great job. May the Lord combine everyone that is helping you to fight this disease with his holy spirit and please keep that faith in your God. He's in control,” replied another.

Five days after his hospital stay began, Mark was in high spirits and hopeful that he would beat the cancer.

Mark has inspired many since he started documenting and sharing his cancer treatment journey on Instagram. One of the things he posts about constantly is his love for his partner Adrienne, who keeps him going in his fight against his stage four lung cancer. 

“Hospital day four, with my Adrienne by my side. One day, as we sip cocktails on the beach, with our toes in the sand and the girls laughing in the background, we’ll look back at these past months and say that this was one hell of a journey ... and we got through it,” he wrote.

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