WATCH | 'Right here is where I belong' — Ntobeko Sishi gets baptised

10 June 2023 - 10:00
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Ntobeko Sishi has been baptised.
Ntobeko Sishi has been baptised.
Image: Instagram/ Sishi via Creative_jk

Media personalities Ntobeko Sishi and Candice Modiselle have been baptised and are ready to testify.

Ntobeko took to his Instagram timeline to share a clip of him being baptised. 

“My mission as an artist has always been to tell my story with the hope that those who feel the same way will know they’re not alone. I struggled with belonging and ‘home’ all my life and now it’s evident to me that we all belong to a purpose much greater than we think.

“We’re loved and cherished in a way we’ll never fully understand, so run to him. There’s true joy here. Right here is where I belong. I’m not alone and neither are you. I love you and God bless you,” he wrote.

Candice Modiselle revealed she was baptised on May 28.

“Now that I am older and wiser I have decided: To not be casual about the things of the kingdom. There is an urgency for revival in our nation and we cannot afford to not submit to the king of kings.

“This public declaration confirms I know who I am and I dedicate my life to helping young people discover they are also fearfully and wonderfully made, set apart, loved, called and chosen as the righteous sons and daughters of the almighty.

“I also long to help us all navigate our way through the hopelessness and brokenness that our nation is plagued with. I have decided to partner with Christ in all things. Every milestone through him, in him and for his glory,” she wrote. 

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