Backlog of trucks to Durban port causing chaos, hampers emergency services

Paramedics being impeded from accessing emergency scenes

31 August 2022 - 14:07
By Suthentira Govender
A backlog of trucks to Durban is causing mayhem on roads.
Image: ALS Paramedics A backlog of trucks to Durban is causing mayhem on roads.

Paramedics are struggling to respond to emergencies in parts of Durban leading to the port because hundreds of trucks are obstructing major routes.

ALS Paramedics director Garrith Jamieson said trucks travelling to the port have been blocking access to Bluff, south of Durban, and the Maydon Wharf area near the harbour.

“We are finding it extremely difficult to respond to emergencies in the Bluff and harbour area since Monday.”

It is understood that congestion at the port is resulting in a truck backlog and impacting traffic leading to the harbour.

“Trucks are stacked all the way around the port, and this is causing major traffic jams. All entries towards the Bluff are obstructed by trucks occupying all the available lanes.”

Jamieson said on Wednesday morning paramedics struggled to access a scene in the Bluff where a security official was injured during a shooting incident.

“Paramedics responding to the incident had to drive into oncoming traffic to try to get to the scene. This places our staff and road users at risk.”

He said several busy roads were affected including parts of the M7.

“Numerous calls have been made to authorities who are trying to assist. We encourage a resolution as people’s lives are at risk if paramedics can’t get to them in time,” said Jamieson.

Metro police did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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