ANC has 'greater mission' than self-enrichment: Secretary

10 April 2012 - 15:31 By Sapa
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The ANC cannot be allowed to degenerate into a "narrow" party that focuses only on itself, Gauteng branch secretary David Makhura said on Tuesday.

"We cannot allow the ANC to degenerate into a force that is trapped in internal fights. We have a greater mission in society," he told reporters in Johannesburg.

Makhura was speaking at the launch of the African National Congress's policy discussion document on organisational renewal.

He said the document was the product of the experience the party gathered during its 18 years in power.

"The ANC has to resist any efforts to transform it into a narrow political party whose day to day preoccupations are internal struggles... or winning elections," he said.

Sport Minister Fikile Mbalula said the document set out specific methods of "rejuvenation" for the party, including addressing factionalism and political education for cadres.

He rejected the notion that the Polokwane elective conference in 2007 was the source of current organisational weaknesses.

"It is disingenuous to suggest that factionalism, ill-discipline and in-fighting started in the run-up to and after Polokwane," Mbalula said.

"We must also dismiss the subjective inclination to personalise organisation challenges and attribute them to specific individuals who hold leadership decisions."

Mbalula said assassinated SA Communist Party leader Chris Hani would have been proud of the ANC.

"He would be proud that in 2012 we are still producing discussion documents and that we are still self-critical."

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