Spar Proteas coach Plummer says she never promised medals at the Netball World Cup

04 August 2023 - 09:55
South Africa coach Norma Plummer says she never promised medals at the Netball World Cup.
Image: Ryan Wilkisky/BackpagePix South Africa coach Norma Plummer says she never promised medals at the Netball World Cup.

After South Africa failed to qualify for the semifinal stage of the Netball World Cup, coach Norma Plummer said she never promised medals. 

Her statements contradict that of Netball South Africa (NSA) president Cecilia Molokwane, who has always said the target for the team was to finish on the podium. 

The Spar Proteas take on Tonga on Friday, looking to book a place in the 5th and 6th placing match on the final day of the tournament on Sunday. 

“Not in any time did we ever promise we would be taking gold medals,” Plummer said after the hard-fought win over Uganda on Thursday. 

“It is the president of Netball South Africa (Molokwane) who promised that. I am realistic all the time. Coming in we only had three camps and you are playing against World champions.  

“Some of the players are at a lower level than what we come up against. I am totally proud of their performances, They came from playing in the lower grade and they competed and got the wins. This team is growing,” she said. 

Proteas captain Bongiwe Msomi admitted the disappointment of failing to qualify for the semifinals on home soil. 

“A disappointing win against Uganda. Against New Zealand we drew and it felt like we won. We came back really strong from half-time, we had a nice lead to maintain what we have done. 

“I have to say that we let that advantage go. Definitely we would have liked to be in the semifinal. When we went in against Uganda, we said to the girls we can have a crack at it and see how far we can go. 

“At half-time it felt like we had a chance because you always have a chance. It is quite disappointing and now we have to focus on keeping our ranking,” said Msomi. 

Plummer gave credit to Uganda for staying in the fight. 

“What has impressed me is their tenacity, The same as Jamaica, they come during through during the last minutes. Previously it used to be Malawi doing that but now it is Uganda. 

“If government gives them financial support and also gives them all the facilities and pathways we have in Australia and New Zealand, we might never be able to tough the ball. 

“Jamaica had to get five to seven players to Australia league and they are looking good at the moment. If those players stayed in Jamaica, they may not have got that polish to finish off.” 

Plummer said she may stay on as Protea coach until the end of the year while NSA looks for someone to replace her. 

“I might be doing the Australian series but that is yet to be determined. I am having a meeting with them (NSA), but there is no way I will be going past December.”