WATCH: Children are really great at this life thing, just ask Tyler

01 April 2018 - 06:00
By Chrizelda Kekana
Children really hold the key to living happily ever after.
Image: iStock/ Rawpixel Ltd Children really hold the key to living happily ever after.

In the great big world of adulthood there are so many things that just makes life complicated, but for kids life is simple and filled with love. That's why this video will just leave you in your feels.

Racism, sexism, religion and every other form of categorisation we grow up to adopt, are not real concepts when you are kid and that is why observing how they live life will often leave you amazed.

These little human beings were so happy their friend Tyler was back, they just showered him with love. One even threw in a 'Oh you have a new haircut!"

These kids are proof that love knows no colour, it just loves!

Watch the video below, it will melt you heart.

This is so pure 😍💖

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