IN MEMES | ‘Despite all his flaws, Papa Penny really loves Mama Nomi’

Mama Nomi was the true star of this season!

03 July 2020 - 09:16
By chrizelda kekana AND Chrizelda Kekana
Tsonga disco legend Papa Penny loves his family.
Image: Instagram/Papa Penny Tsonga disco legend Papa Penny loves his family.

Papa Penny Ahee's last episode of the season left fans feeling high-key emotional, especially after they realised that for all his fails, the Tsonga disco icon was a family man to the core.

Fans tuned in to the show in their numbers on Thursday evening to bid farewell to one of the realest families on TV.

Throughout the season, fans have gone through an emotional rollercoaster with Papa Penny and his family. They got angry, got excited, happy and sad as they watched the family navigate their busy lives.

However, Mama Nomi has most definitely become the firm favourite. In contrast to her extrovert husband, Mama Nomi's humbleness and meek personality outshone that of everyone else this season.

Her ability to show her raw emotions and to get the fans to understand exactly what she's feeling at any given moment won over a lot of hearts this season.

Fans watched her mourn the death of her son, celebrate the birth of another son and become a “gold trophy” stepmother to all of Papa Penny's kids.

This season also belonged to Papa Penny and Mama Nomi's love.

While Papa Penny may not always speak or treat Mama Nomi in a “Twitter-approved” manner, fans have no doubt that he loves her wholeheartedly.

Tweeps celebrated the family in memes.