Lvovo defends Jacob Zuma: 'He is used as a scapegoat & we will fight for him'

“We are not stupid,” Lvovo said.

12 November 2020 - 12:00
By chrizelda kekana AND Chrizelda Kekana
Lvovo has shared his opinions about Jacob Zuma.
Image: Via L'vovo's instagram Lvovo has shared his opinions about Jacob Zuma.

As former president Jacob Zuma continues to hog headlines on account of his pending appearance at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, kwaito musician Lvovo has taken to his Twitter account to show support for Zuma.

As most South Africans wait with bated breath to see whether the former president will finally find his way back to the Zondo commission, TimesLIVE reported on Thursday morning that just days before he was summonsed to appear before the commission, the former president’s lawyers and the commission's secretary traded blows in terse letters.

The stand-off between former president Jacob Zuma and the Zondo commission heated up again this week as the commission secretary wanted to know for sure whether Zuma will defy a summons to appear next week.

Along with other Zuma supporters on the Twitter TL, Lvovo said he felt the powers that be were trying to “use Zuma as the scapegoat”.

“Zuma is being persecuted for nothing and we are getting tired of it. He is used as a scapegoat n we will fight for him. We are not stupid,” the KwaZulu-Natal-born musician said.

Lvovo went on to speak about an uprising he foresees in the country should Zuma be arrested.

“The amount of love people have for Zuma. I think this country will be put on reset the day they attempt to arrest him,” he said.

A devoted supporter of Zuma, Lvovo has always had nothing but great things to say about the former president, despite the sometimes hectic backlash those tweets have got him

In fact, over the years, whenever another tweep tweeted about Zuma, Lvovo also gave his two cents.

Here are some of his Zuma-related tweets from the past: