Linda Mtoba disappointed by the exorbitant price of some food items in the middle of a pandemic

26 January 2021 - 08:00
By Masego Seemela
Linda Mtoba is not happy with the price hikes of some food items during these financially challenging Covid-19 times.
Image: Via Linda Mtoba Instagram Linda Mtoba is not happy with the price hikes of some food items during these financially challenging Covid-19 times.

As many South Africans try to stay financially afloat, actress Linda Mtoba is appalled at the way some retail stores have increased the price of some food items during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The actress took to Twitter to point out how, due to the high demand for items such as lemon and ginger, the price has been hiked by some retailers, which she said was unfair.

Linda expressed how disadvantaged people would not be able afford such items, which some say help combat Covid-19 symptoms when one has contracted the virus. 

“So basically the poor can’t afford what is meant to be one of the 'cheapest' ways to help themselves against Covid?” she asked in her tweet. 

Linda's tweet opened a conversation, with some tweeps sharing the prices they've seen at stores. Here are some of the reactions:

In June last year the actress took to her TL and admitted to her fans that all the emotionally straining news in the world had affected her, but that her baby girl, Bean, was her ray of sunshine.

I’m feeling very at odds about posting on social media when there’s so much going on in the world. I post Bean because she lights up my life and currently it’s full of darkness, it’s a little hard for me to just share a happy picture,” Linda expressed.