WATCH | You can go days without sleep, then you crash: Innocent Masuku on drug abuse

07 September 2022 - 15:37
By Constance Gaanakgomo
Actor Innocent Masuku hopes young people will learn from his struggles.
Image: Twitter Actor Innocent Masuku hopes young people will learn from his struggles.

Former Yizo-Yizo actor Innocent Masuku is telling anyone who cares to listen about the dangers of drug abuse. 

In a recent interview with MacG and Sol on Podcast and Chill, he shared how addiction cost him everything when he was in his prime in the entertainment industry. 

He also spoke of going without sleep for days when he was high. 

“Drugs are demanding. Like every minute you want to smoke. It doesn't matter what time it is, and with drugs like cocaine, you go for days without sleep. Three, four days without sleep, but you also have a shutdown ... and sleep for two days. There needs to be a balance. You go for three days without sleep, then three days sleeping when you can't keep anything down. Your body goes into a complete shutdown and you don't have an appetite."

In June Masuku cautioned young people against using and abusing drugs when speaking about his struggles. 

“Be careful of the choices you make. It’s amazing how time flies. Sometimes the choices you make can cost you many opportunities.

“When I got into the [acting] industry I got tempted and got involved in drugs, and I regret losing so many opportunities. I lost so many good friends.”

The actor said he feels as if he got a second chance in recovering from his addiction and hoped the youth learnt from his mistakes.