'Till death do us part': Ann Malinga remembers her husband on their wedding anniversary

26 November 2022 - 08:00
By Joy Mphande
Ann Malinga is using Robbie Malinga's legacy to inspire others.
Image: Instagram/ Ann Malinga Ann Malinga is using Robbie Malinga's legacy to inspire others.

Ann Malinga is celebrating her marriage to late musician Robbie Malinga.

The legendary musician died, aged 47, in 2017 and would have been married to Ann for a decade on Thursday.

Taking to her Instagram timeline, Ann shared an image from their wedding day with the caption: “Till death do us part.”

Since his death, Ann has been dedicated to making sure Robbie's legacy lives on.

Earlier this year, she set up the inaugural Robbie Malinga memorial golf day to commemorate him after launching a book in his honour in 2021.

“I've dedicated my life to keeping his legacy alive for as long as I can. As soon as I realised I cannot go into music, I thought of a book. I thought of other things but I thought a book will always be there,” she told TshisaLIVE.  

“Since the book launch I have been getting lots of support and I'm very grateful ... Many who were inspired by Robbie Malinga were not only inspired by his role within the arts industry, but also by the way in which his life story made an educational impact to thousands.

“The Robbie Malinga Legacy Group has the objective of keeping this story alive while inspiring those who would like to follow in his footsteps.”