Orlando Pirates player Thembinkosi Lorch. File photo
Image: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images
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Orlando Pirates star Thembinkosi Lorch was on Tuesday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for assaulting his ex-girlfriend, though that was suspended for five years.

Lorch, the National Prosecuting Authority's spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said, was also ordered in the Randburg magistrate’s court to pay R100,000 to anti-gender-based violence body People Opposing Women Abuse. He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm under the Firearms Control Act.

"The sentence was wholly suspended for five years on condition that he is not found guilty of committing a similar offence during the period of suspension."

The fine, she said, was to be paid with R50,000 immediately and the balance in instalments.

Lorch was convicted in June of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, for strangling and beating his then girlfriend on the night of September 7 2020.

Lorch's ex-girlfriend, Fundiswa Nokuphiwa Mathithibala, laid bare their relationship in a victim impact statement in the Randburg magistrate's court in October.

She alleged that on the day of the assault she was visiting Lorch when he left her at his home to go out with one of his friends. When it was getting late, she messaged him to return her car keys.

“On arrival, an argument ensued, and Lorch became violent towards her and accused her of cheating.

“He pushed her and she fell on the pavement. She had natural hair and he pulled her by it. She screamed for help.

“His friend came to her rescue. He didn’t show mercy and was proud, telling her to call the police.”

Mathithibala said she didn’t report two previous assaults as she was protecting his job and reputation.

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