'Wasteful' Kenyan governors exposed

31 March 2016 - 16:24 By Agency Staff
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A damning report has exposed several Kenyan governing officials after they allegedly embarked on frivolous foreign trips at the expense of taxpayers' money last year.

According to Kenyans, the report, Travel Requisition Schedule for 2015, implicated governors who made double requests for same trips and used conferences as an excuse to travel abroad.

Some attended conferences that were not in their mandate.

This came as a Jubilee Coalition member of parliament urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to eradicate corruption in order to increase his popularity ahead of 2017 general elections.

The Kieni MP, Kanini Kega, said ending graft in the country would not only improve the economy, but also raise the popularity of Jubilee government.

Source: News 24

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