Eastern Cape education department needs R15m bailout

05 January 2012 - 10:55 By Sapa
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Rand notes. File picture
Rand notes. File picture
Image: Russell Roberts

The Eastern Cape education department has approached the provincial treasury for a R15 million bailout to settle salary arrears owed to teachers, according to a report.

The Dispatch Online reported that the department did this after it could not clear a backlog this financial year of payments related to salaries and allowances for temporary teachers -- some dating from the 2010/11 financial year.

Provincial treasury spokeswoman Nosisa Sogiyose confirmed that correspondence was received from the provincial education department on December 13 last year asking for a bailout.

She was quoted saying the amount involved was R15,733,301.72 for salaries in arrears and allowances for temporary teachers.

These were backlogs not budgeted for in the current year, Sogiyose said. However, she said the treasury would verify details of the requested amount before any payment could be made.

Opposition parties and the SA Democratic Teachers' Union criticised the department for mismanaging its budget, saying some teachers had waited for up to a year to be paid.

>>The Dispatch Online has the full story

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