DGs Guptagate reports expected shortly

14 May 2013 - 17:01 By Sapa
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The Gupta wedding party aeroplane that landed at Air Force Base Waterkloof. File photo
The Gupta wedding party aeroplane that landed at Air Force Base Waterkloof. File photo

A probe by directors general into the unauthorised landing of a privately-chartered plane at Waterkloof Air Force Base was expected to be completed on Tuesday.

"This is the last working day for the DGs to conclude their investigation. They will then report their findings to the [respective] ministers," acting government spokeswoman Phumla Williams said.

She said the DGs had given no indication on Tuesday on how far they were with the investigation.

On April 29, a plane chartered by the Gupta family, carrying 270 wedding guests, landed at Waterkloof Air Force Base.

Guests were attending the wedding of Vega Gupta, 23, and Indian-born Aakash Jahajgarhia at Sun City. The landing sparked widespread criticism.

Government said on May 3 that the landing at the national key point was unauthorised and that a probe was underway into a possible breach of diplomatic protocol.

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe said at the time that five high-ranking officials and military personnel had been suspended over the unauthorised landing.

Last Friday eight Tshwane metro police officers were suspended for allegedly escorting and providing unofficial security to Gupta wedding guests, from Waterkloof to Sun City.

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