JSE loses hour of business

24 April 2014 - 09:13 By Reuters
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A glitch on its database delayed trade on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange for an hour yesterday.

Trading on the exchange did not start until 10am, but investors shrugged off the delay, with the benchmark Top-40 index hitting another record high soon after the open.

The JSE said the error was "related to a JSE database" and not the two-year-old Millennium Exchange trading platform it had promised would end its stability problems. The bourse moved to the Millennium platform, developed by a unit of the London Stock Exchange Group, in 2012 to increase trading speeds and prevent the network errors that had disrupted trade in previous years.

The glitches have been an embarrassment for the JSE, which wants to court more foreign investors and market itself as a gateway to Africa's growing capital markets.

In 2011, trade was halted for more than 30 minutes due to network problems. A similar issue stopped trade for more than six hours in 2010.

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