Deadbeat dads must pay: Zille

26 June 2014 - 02:00 By Denise Williams
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DA leader Helen Zille
DA leader Helen Zille

Fathers who do not pay child maintenance should be blacklisted in accordance with the law.

This is according to DA leader Helen Zille, who led her party's women's network in a protest calling on government to blacklist maintenance defaulting fathers in terms of the Credit Act.

"There are 9million children growing up without their fathers... and that often destroys the life chances of children who grow up in extreme poverty," said Zille.

She said mothers "spend months and months to get the maintenance that they deserve.

"The legislation to blacklist maintenance defaulters is already there - it is not being implemented.

"We believe that parenthood, responsible parenthood, is essential for the development of our country and for the rights of every single child."

Zille said Trade and Industry Minster Rob Davies, who introduced the legislation, must now put it into effect.

"Many men are very responsible fathers and I would like to pay tribute to them, but far too many go out, have a few drinks, make a baby and just don't look back," Zille said.

DA spokesman Phumzile van Damme said that if Davies did not act following the march the party would introduce a Private Member's bill to seek enforcement of the legislation.

Zille acknowledged that sometimes women, too, neglect to look after their children.

"Yes, there are women who are not prepared to take care of their children and that is a serious problem but currently maintenance defaulters are overwhelmingly male."

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