TUT campuses reopen

29 September 2014 - 18:24 By Sapa
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Work at all Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) campuses resumed on Monday, following their closure due to a spate of violent protests, TUT said.

"Large numbers of students returned to class and the situation on all campuses was monitored throughout the day," spokeswoman Willa de Ruyter said.

"Everything was calm and no incidents were reported."

The decision to reopen the campus was made on Friday, following progress in talks between management and student leaders.

"In a bid to address the lack of funding for students to study, which sparked the two-week-long protest action, a meeting of the full TUT council also approved a proposal from the university to make R46 million in student loans available to assist a group of 2500 unfunded students for the remainder of 2014," De Ruyter said at the time.

This was in addition to R30m which the university had made available this year for returning students to cover a shortfall in the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

"More detailed information on the academic recovery plan will be communicated to students in the course of the week," she said.

De Ruyter said students would be allowed to return to their residences, but they first needed to sign an undertaking that they would not be involved in any violence, disrupt university activities, or damage property.

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