Ladies: no nips; guys: no dongs

05 June 2015 - 10:07 By Gareth Rubin

"Hey sxy. How r u? Wanna chat?" Ah, the number of online dating profiles I've seen with that kind of Byron-worthy poetry. One thing that volunteering as a moderator on the dating website OkCupid has taught me is that it's not just the Nigerian scammers who have a grasp of English shakier than Greece's medium-term fiscal policy - it's local morons too.For the last few months I've sat on my couch trawling through dating profiles that have been reported by members who think they have spotted the tell-tale signs of a fraudulent user, or are shocked by a naughty profile pic.Viewing at least 50 profiles a day has shown me a few things. For example:1. Scammers need to read moreWe call it "Scammer Grammar": that weird syntax that tells you that your correspondent is typing in a language that is not his mother tongue.And sorry, it really is "his" mother tongue. If you think that Jo, the perky Nebraskan who fancied a holiday in sub-Saharan Africa only to have her (his) money and passport stolen, picked you out as the recipient of her (his) distress call because you are better looking and more engaging than the long line of other guys who haven't seen the inside of a gym since 2004, then you have another think coming. And that thing is probably a massive credit card bill.If your correspondent writes like a nine-year-old who has drunk a litre of Red Bull, save yourself hours of e-mailing and send $100 to a randomly selected internet café in Lagos.Pro tip: If you're suspicious, try Google Image Search. It will tell you if the profile photo has been ripped from a model agency site.2. Only pr***s post d*** picsThe instructions for moderators deciding on whether photos reported to us should be deleted is "ladies no nips, guys no dongs". Ask your female friends if they have ever thought: "Yes, his penis is so attractive, I think I will call him and ask to spend the night on the mattress that he has lovingly laid on the unswept floor."And yet there seem to be legions of men out there who are convinced of the opposite.Pro tip: wear a normal amount of clothing for photos. And yes, that means keep your shirt on.3. Good grammar maketh manMen who write like teenagers who missed a lot of school are less successful on dating sites than those able to remember all of the letters in a word. And very brief profiles look like you haven't finished writing it or you're yet another scammer. Men tend to write much shorter profiles than women, so try to meet them halfway and they might think you are on the same wavelength.Pro tip: Asking questions on your profile gives her an interesting way to start the conversation. Ask for her favourite joke or worst job ever.Remember: grammar matters.4. Don't be artyOfficially, OkCupid allows you to post profile photos that don't show your face. But why on earth would you? Even if you look like Quasimodo she is going to see your face eventually, and relying on your animal magnetism to keep her in the room after she realises you bear a striking resemblance to a pug dog is at best a long shot.Do what everyone else does and have a friend with Photoshop skills make you look way better than you do in real life.Pro tip: Avoid selfies - they make you look vain and girls don't want a boyfriend who spends more time in front of the mirror than they do. ©The Daily Telegraph..

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