Body discovered in sea off coast of Durban
A body was recovered by a rescue team after being spotted floating in the sea off the coast of Durban on Sunday morning. National Sea Rescue Institute spokesman Craig Lambinon said the ‚ NSRI Durban duty crew was activated by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) at about 8am on Sunday following a report from the fishing ski-boat Game Fish that they had happened upon a body floating offshore of the Umgeni River. “The Sea Rescue craft Megan II was launched accompanied by Police Search and Rescue divers and on arrival on the scene the body of an unidentified man was located and recovered onto the sea rescue craft and brought to shore.“The body has been taken into the care of the Forensic Pathology Services and Police have opened an inquest docket‚” Lambinon said...
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