Union fires salvo at social development minister

09 February 2017 - 08:58 By Genevieve Quintal
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The National Education Health and Allied Workers Union has accused Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini of being more concerned with factional battles in the ANC than with what is happening in her department.

Nehawu said yesterday that the issues surrounding the grant payment contracts with the SA Social Security Agency were an indicator of the problems inside the Social Development Department.

"Potentially, the disastrous situation related to Sassa underscores the systemic crisis in the department," Nehawu general secretary Bereng Soke told journalists in Johannesburg yesterday.

"The minister continues to recklessly place vulnerable grant recipients at risk. She is more concerned also about destructive factional battles in the ANC," he said.

Nehawu is planning a march to the departments of social development and public service and administration in Pretoria tomorrow over employment conditions for public social development sector workers.

Marches are also planned for Durban, King William's Town, Kimberley and Cape Town.

Soke said Nehawu would strike if its demands were not met by next Wednesday.

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