Read the Sunday Times e-edition

There is so much more in the Sunday Times, have your pick, there is something for everyone.

17 September 2023 - 00:00
By S'thembiso Msomi
The latest Sunday Times edition is also available digitally.
Image: Sunday Times The latest Sunday Times edition is also available digitally.

Dear readers,

At last, spring appears to be back in Johannesburg, from where I write to you.

Many of us watched the funeral yesterday of IFP leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi on television. We bring you the story behind the story, with interviews with the funeral organisers and others who planned  the massive event, as well as people who were close to him, including his tailor.

However, our front-page lead concerns the story behind how 600,000 social grant recipients were left high and dry by Postbank, some for more than a week, without their R2,080 monthly pensions. We infuse investigative journalism with the heart-rending stories of those pensioners left stranded.

Also on our front page is the astonishing tale of  how the SA Revenue Service impounded five ships off the Eastern Cape coastline in a surprise crackdown that has alarmed the maritime sector and disrupted one of South Africa's busiest  shipping routes.

We are also pleased to inform you that stories the Sunday Times has broken have a big impact — and that is also thanks to you, our readers. We inform you that impeachment is looming for a senior Eastern Cape judge accused of sexual harassment, which was a story we broke in February. Then we bring you an update on the UIF and department of employment & labour’s controversial R5bn job creation project, which was cancelled after a Sunday Times investigation. There, minister Thulas Nxesi has placed senior officials on notice, asking them why they should not be suspended.

But it is not all serious news in the paper today.

We bring you positive  stories about how once-derelict buildings in Johannesburg’s inner city can be turned around.

We also bring you interesting stories about what the Springboks are eating ahead of their clash with Romania today, as well as tales of the fans in France.

Go Bokke!


S’thembiso Msomi