Gigi Lamayne: Babes Wodumo is my saviour

07 September 2016 - 11:00 By TMG Entertainment
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Gigi Lamayne has been fighting the war for equality in music for some time now, but little did we know that she has found an inspiration for her battle in singer Babes Wodumo.

Image: via Instagram

Speaking to Hip Hop Galaxy recently, Gigi launched a strong attack on the music industry, accusing it of accepting male artists for who they are, while scrutinising female artists for doing the same.

"Woman are bashed more. We have rappers around the world who have one eye. We have rappers who look like they don't bath and they are male and we accept it. But when a woman does that, oh my word, we have to all look like Nicki Minaj or Beyoncé," she added.


Gigi reveals that she herself has been the victim of such thinking in the industry.

"I have been ridiculed so much for my image, for having dark gums. People have said all sorts of horrible things," she reveals.

That's why Gigi was so inspired by the breakthrough of Wololo singer Babes Wodumo, believing that the dancer is hailed rather than criticised for being who she is.


"As much as she is not in hip-hop, Babes Wodumo is my saviour. She is the ratchet that wants to come out for me in clubs but I am too scared that people are going to judge me. For the first time, because she is out there, I feel like I can do me," she says.

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