Black Friday 'sales' have kicked off and not everyone is impressed

South African retail stores are packed and online sites are crashing, but not everyone is convinced by the deals.
Black Friday kicked off at midnight, with retailers offering deals from 20% to as high as 90% off selected items. However, not all South Africans are happy with the offers.
With all the excitement, long queues, pushing and shoving, some felt a South African Black Friday is not worth the fuss as the discounts are not that significant.
Retailers such as Game, Makro, Checkers, Pick n Pay and Shoprite are offering more than 50% off appliances and other products. Malls across South Africa have been flooded with consumers since last night in anticipation of the “big” sales.
Online sites such as and Zando briefly crashed during the course of the morning due to increased traffic.
Some took to Twitter to dismantle the idea of a South African Black Friday, describing it as a “scam”.
I’m really disappointed that Black Friday deals in South Africa are not really worth it, as the deals in the US, we get small percentages off, who’s in agreement here? #ChooseDay
— Neeta Raga-D (@neetaraga) November 20, 2018
I honestly think South Africa doesn’t understand the concept of Black Friday,
— ; (@seedxti) November 15, 2018
It’s 50-80% off , not 20%
Most companies just advertise their useless specials to ride the band wagon I guess.
Those who says black Friday in south Africa is a scam,shops don't owe you that 50% off.
— HLAPOGADI SELEME (@mahlagaume1) November 21, 2018
Black Friday doesn't exist in South Africa. You guys get scammed every year and you don't realize it.
— Balogun ✨ (@_Navarro24) November 22, 2018
Black Friday in South Africa is a joke. Anything less than 75% is not worth it.
— Tim Carr (@shadowphax) November 22, 2018
South Africa. You don’t know how to Black Friday. Just. You might as well not even try.
— NasNas (@96NasNas) November 22, 2018
Y'all really falling for these Black Friday scams huh?
— Post Alone (@craigflixchill) November 22, 2018
These stores are literally selling the items at the same price when they went on sale 2 months ago and just did it again under the guise of Black Friday.
South Africa's version is scam for real.
Checking these Black Friday specials in South Africa, and I can get better deals off of Amazon for most of the small sized electronics with shipping and customs included 🤔
— Daliso (@djngoma) November 22, 2018
I feel like South Africa is totally missing the Black Friday plot. Your specials and discount is nowhere near that of the USA.
— Tandy-Lee Marinus (@bitchfrmthenews) November 21, 2018
Black Friday in South Africa is truelly horrible.. Black Friday has nothing to do with South Africa its an American thing and to top it all off the South African specials are a joke last year some stuff was even more expensive on "black Friday special" all marketing nonsense
— Dons Plays (@itsdonsplays) November 19, 2018
Okay so #BlackFriday in South Africa means discounting stuff no one wants with like 20%.
— Carla_with_a_Sea (@CarlaSchoeman1) November 23, 2018
By far the biggest hype created in retail with the mosh meh follw through.
Not gonna get sucked in next year, that’s for sure.