Zuma sends condolences to quake, tsunami affected

11 March 2011 - 15:13 By Sapa
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President Jacob Zuma has extended deepest condolences to Japan and its people following an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit the country's east coast on Friday morning.

"The people of South Africa share the pain and loss of the loved ones, their homes and property, and our thoughts and prayers go to the affected families," Zuma said in an statement.

The quake that hit north-eastern Japan generated a tsunami of several metres high that struck the coast of Miyagi prefecture.

At least 18 people were killed.

"The South African government wishes the rescue and recovery teams every success in their efforts... we stand ready to assist in whatever manner possible within our limited resources," he said.

The international relations and cooperation department's Clayson Monyela said consular services were in contact with the South African embassy in Japan to assess whether any assistance was needed by South African citizens that might have been affected.

People with family members in Japan could contact the consular section at 012-351-1750, 012-351-1751 or 012-351-1000.

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