Durban spruces up ahead of climate talks

22 November 2011 - 02:02 By NIVASHNI NAIR
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In less than a week, when world leaders will descend on Durban for the international climate change conference, the city will seek to position itself as a "global leader in the field of climate protection planning".

As the city continues to effect its finishing touches ahead of COP17 - from Monday to December 9 - it cannot wait to showcase its greening projects.

"It is truly an African city, a place of rich contrasts, where sophisticated, first-world urban development and high-density townships give way to undisturbed rural landscapes, where people follow traditional African lifestyles," said Durban executive mayor James Nxumalo.

"It is this diversity that provides the city's planners with similar challenges to those faced by most big cities in the global south. As the host city of COP17, there is a golden opportunity to communicate the municipality's achievements to local, national and international communities."

Besides releasing a booklet, Durban: a Climate for Change , at the conference, the city will also take delegates on tours to greening projects in the hope of being recognised internationally.

The Durban green tours will start at eThekwini water and sanitation department's energy-and-water efficiency building before proceeding to the beach front, where the city's coastal management plan in response to sea-level rise will be explained.

Durban is keen to showcase its low-cost solar water heater project as well as the Durban metropolitan open space system that incorporates areas of high biodiversity value linked together in a viable network of open spaces.

It also expects to be praised for its Bisasar Road landfill, where methane from waste is converted into electricity.

Delegates can also walk across the road from the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Conference Centre, the conference venue, to a rooftop garden.

The city has also promised the more than 15000 delegates and 10000 observers "some fun".

"Durban's reputation as a fun city should be strengthened once again, especially with the number of side-events and happenings taking place around COP17," Nxumalo said, referring to scheduled concerts and exhibitions.

He added that accommodation was already fully booked .

"We are doing everything possible to ensure that our delegates are so comfortable that they only focus on finding a solution to the problems posed by climate change," he said.

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