The fight against the 'secrecy bill' will continue even after it has been passed, people protesting against it in Durban said on Tuesday.
"Even if they pass the bill today we will continue fighting against it," said Desmond D'sa, chairman of the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance.
He was addressing about 100 people who protested against the Protection of State Information Bill at Durban City Hall on Tuesday afternoon.
Most people who attended the march were journalists carrying placards. One of the placards read: "Apartheid is back".
D'sa said pickets would be held on every street corner to show opposition to the bill.
"We will also support other organisations to take this to the Constitutional Court," he said.
The pickets were also attended by university students and lecturers.
University of KwaZulu-Natal Prof Keyan Tomaselli said the protest against the bill was not a futile exercise.
"When people raised concerns about the arms deal, people thought they were wasting their time. Look at what has happened."
Tomaselli said the bill would have serious implications for everybody in South Africa.
"It will affect every information sector. The researchers and educators will have to check the legislation constantly when they do their jobs."