Tembisa Hospital toilet paper shortage wiped out

27 May 2013 - 18:48 By Sapa
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Image: Gallo Images/Thinkstock

The toilet paper shortage at Tembisa Hospital, in Ekurhuleni, has been resolved, the Gauteng health department said on Monday.

Spokesman Simon Zwane said the issue was resolved on Friday after the hospital experienced shortages for two to three days.

"We learnt of the problem early last week and it was attended to by Friday," he said.

Zwane said the department was not to blame for the shortage.

"Contrary to media reports, the challenge was not caused by department's inability to pay suppliers, but a company contracted to deliver toilet paper to the hospital could not meet the demand," said Zwane.

"Another company has since been contracted and they delivered sufficient stock... and these have been distributed to all service areas in the hospital," he said.

He issued an apology on behalf of the department.

"The department apologises for any inconvenience caused but assures the community that [the] healthcare of patients was not compromised during this period," he said.

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