Ace Jali set to stay a fixture at Pirates

16 January 2014 - 02:31 By RAMATSIYI MOHOLOA
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Orlando Pirates' ace midfielder Andile Jali is going nowhere, said coach Roger de Sa, who is preparing his team for Saturday's game against Supersport United.

Pirates take on United at 3.30pm at Orlando Stadium in their opening league game of 2014, which forms part of their Absa Premiership catch-up programme.

"As far as I know, he (Jali) is in. We know that he is not leaving," a relaxed De Sa said at Rand Stadium yesterday.

Jali's contract expires at the end of the season but his handlers will meet Pirates chairman Irvin Khoza this week to discuss a new deal.

Last week Jali told The Times he has no plans to leave Pirates and was hoping to be offered a new deal before the end of the month.

Yesterday Jali refused to comment, saying: "We can talk about anything in life, but not the contract, please."

About the game against United, goalkeeper Senzo Meyiwa said: "We want to start the year on a high note by winning the match to show our fans we mean business.''

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