Turok: ANC bills face chopping bloc

15 May 2014 - 02:11 By Aphiwe Deklerk
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Ben Turok
Ben Turok

ANC veteran Ben Turok said the ruling party would probably have a torrid time trying to pass new legislation in the next parliament due to its reduced majority in the National Assembly.

Speaking at the Cape Town Press Club yesterday, Turok said the DA and the Economic Freedom Fighters could stage united walk-outs to stall ANC-led bills.

For a bill to be passed by the National Assembly, the House needs to have a quorum of 201 members present out of 400.

Opposition parties have in the past successfully delayed the passage of crucial bills because of poor attendance by ANC MPs.

Turok also said the ANC had campaigned on the back of a very vague economic policy.

Turok said: "The [National Development Plan] chapter on economic policy is weak. It's about small enterprise [and] it's about market forces," said Turok.

On the Nkandla scandal, Turok said the public protector's report showed that President Jacob Zuma had visited the site of the upgrades and could not plead ignorance.

"He was there and he said: 'Please don't put windows there, put them there'."

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