Children's home in Pretoria robbed

29 October 2014 - 22:47 By Sapa
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Image: President Kruger childrens home

A relief fund has been opened after a robbery at Pretoria's President Kruger children's home on Wednesday, Solidarity Helping Hand said on Wednesday.

"Helping Hand wants to support the children's home as much as possible during this crisis," the organisation said in a statement.

"We have therefore already contributed R10,000 towards a relief fund. Our hope is that with the public's help, we will be able to replace most of the home's losses."

Two minibuses were stolen from the home on Wednesday morning, as well as the children's bicycles.

One of the vehicles were traced to Mpumalanga. The second minibus was still missing.

The home houses 63 children, aged between two and 18.

"The children are placed at the home on the basis of a court order owing to various reasons," the organisation said.

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