Strap your toddler in or there'll be hell to pay

30 April 2015 - 09:54 By NIVASHNI NAIR

There's no excuse for not strapping in your child. That's the warning from the country's traffic officials who say they won't be sympathetic to parents who cannot afford car seats for their children when the new legislation kicks in tomorrow.Transport Department spokes-man Tiyani Rikhotso said traffic officials would not "hear any excuses" and would issue fines of R500 to parents if a child below the age of three is sitting on a lap, standing or sitting unrestrained while travelling in a car."We had to come in as we realised that there are parents who would rather spend the money on a nice suit than invest R800 in a car seat," he said.Peggy Mars, of non-profit organisation Wheel Well, said the new law had created a "massive demand" for child car seats.The body, which collects and refurbishes old car seats donated by the public, has a waiting list of more than 300 people."We have given out 94 car seats this month. Those on the waiting list say that they will just have to wait because they cannot afford to buy a car seat," she said...

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