New Bands: Ringing truth of soul

23 October 2015 - 02:15 By Yolsa Mkele

"Tell your truth" - that is the mantra espoused by Zuko Collective, an eight-person collection of musicians looking to move the nation with sound. "My truth is that I want to be the perfect example to my son of the saying that you can do whatever you want," said vocalist Nozuko Mapoma.Living that truth has been a cacophony of pitfalls and triumphs that, according to Mapoma, she could never have endured had she not been addicted to music."If I didn't know for sure that this was a calling I would have left this so long ago," she said, musing about the group's journey from a crew of 13 to a smaller group with a more soulful output.Started in 2013, Zuko Collective was born from the ashes of Mapoma's previous band. In their early stages their harder sound was driven by anger at the way in which that band spilt."I was as angry at how difficult it is to make it without selling out and at God for giving me this burden, because I love what I do, but it's so hard."Things since then have gotten a lot more graceful and elegant.Zuko Collective's first album, Relationtrips, explores life, love and everything in between.Relationtrips will be officially launched this Sunday at The Orbit Jazz Club. For more information visit

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