Dad dies for opposing councillor candidate list

21 June 2016 - 08:49 By Sipho Masombuka

Father-of-two Thabo Moroa "signed his death warrant" when he chose to oppose the "imposed" councillor candidate list in his ward in the village of Maboloka in North West.The 35-year-old former ANC Ward 4 branch secretary was gunned down in Brits in the early hours of Saturday. A friend sleeping in the other room ran to seek help but was shot in the back and is now fighting for his life in hospital. Moroa's family yesterday said the attack pointed to his vehement stance against the councillor candidate list that he said went against the wishes of his community.Aaron Moroa, 37, said the only enemies his younger brother had were in political circles and were linked to the candidate list."He would never keep quiet about something wrong. That earned him enemies," he said.Elsie Kgautle, Moroa's former colleague at the Madibeng municipality, said she had no doubt his death was directly linked to his stance against the manipulation of the candidate nomination process. ..

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