BCX extends application date for Digital Innovation Awards

Companies that want to showcase their tech savviness in the public sector, corporate enterprise and SME categories have until August 31 to enter

14 August 2023 - 08:50
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The BCX Digital Innovation Awards are a stage for success and excellence.
The BCX Digital Innovation Awards are a stage for success and excellence.
Image: Supplied

Digital transformation solutions provider BCX is extending applications for its Digital Innovation Awards to August 31. The shortlisting and judging of the awards will take place from September to October 2023, and BCX will announce the winners later in the year at a ceremony in Joburg.

The winners will also be featured in the Sunday Times Top 100, which acknowledges listed companies that have earned the highest returns for their shareholders over the past five years. 

For the 2023 BCX Digital Innovation Awards, South African businesses can enter one of three categories: public sector entities, corporate enterprises, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The awards will be expanding into countries outside SA and a university category will also be added. 

The BCX Digital Innovation Awards were launched in 2019 with the aim of recognising and celebrating digital innovation and excellence in SA.

Since then, the awards have seen impressive growth, with celebrated companies submitting powerful examples of South African innovation, excellence and success.

Last year’s winner was Discovery Bank, which took first place for its shared value in banking. ShopriteX came second for its Checkers Xtra Savings and Sixty60 integration, while facial biometric digital authentication platform iiDentifii was third. 

Since winning this award, Lance Fanaroff, iiDentifii director and founder, says the company’s technology has matured. iiDentifii is a world-leading remote biometric digital authentication and automated onboarding technology platform. It fulfils the needs of customer-focused organisations that are required to authenticate and on-board customers.

“We also entered the BCX Digital Innovation Awards back in 2019 in the SME category and won. Last year, we entered the enterprise category, up against big and reputable companies — Discovery Bank and ShopriteX. These are unbelievable brands and we were privileged and thrilled to be in the same category with them.

“The past four years in the technology industry have seen a lot of changes. Technology is a very fast-paced industry that is growing at an exponential rate. Our technology has also grown and we have become a powerful player in the enterprise arena,” says Fanaroff. 

I strongly recommend companies that want to improve their credibility in the market and build their brands enter
 Lance Fanaroff, director and founder of iiDentifii

He says iiDentifii now provides its biometric solutions to SA’s leading banks including FNB, Absa, Nedbank, Standard Bank and Investec. 

From the experience he had with last year’s accolades, Fanaroff says the BCX Digital Innovation Awards can act as a springboard for companies to expose their brands.

“The way the awards were conducted was exceptional. There was brilliance from BCX and the companies it worked with in making sure that all of us performed at our peak during interviews and the selection process.

“The BCX team is passionate about the awards. I strongly recommend companies that want to improve their credibility in the market and build their brands enter. It does take a lot of time and effort for the participants and the various people involved, but it’s worth it.” 

Click here to enter. 

This article was sponsored by BCX. 

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