WATCH | Testimony of cellphone data analyst continues at Meyiwa trial

24 May 2024 - 10:26 By TimesLIVE
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Courtesy of SABC

The testimony of cellphone data analyst Gideon Gouws is continuing in the Senzo Meyiwa murder at the Pretoria high court on Friday.

Gouws is expected to share evidence regarding calls between the five men accused of killing the footballer.

A defence lawyer in the trial argued on Thursday that the suspected gunman, Mthobisi Mncube, was not in Vosloorus when the soccer star was gunned down in October 2014.

Thulani Mngomezulu, representing Muzikawukhulelwa Sibiya, claimed that at the hour of Meyiwa's murder, Mncube's phone was pinging in locations outside Vosloorus.

Mngomezulu made the submissions as he continued to cross-examination Gouws on Thursday.


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